
The Allure of the Game

"When my best isn't good enough, I'm walking. You know, when you're not able to produce any more... When I play well, I tell you guys. I've won out there when I wasn't playing my best. But if I play my best and don't win, there's no reason to be out here."
Tiger Woods




dis julie as been lingering in m'head
since i sawd a on da Conan's. sHe lit,
toked and kiLled! ain't she da fittest?

/via watching TV: Late Night with Conan O'Brien

la gran esquema

so they say goodbye
day after day, "so long"
they stand in the corridor
lifeless, still, the world spins by

fixed upon her frowns
from behind their eyes
the foyer dim, lit faintly
happiness' glow still flickers

a gleaming jigsaw
night on the parquet
the cat pitter patters
along the
sky 's dull light

bon voyage!
arise you fools, it's sunrise
an usher brings you your seat
whispering, "enjoy the show!"

the day sinks to a hush
behold, they're still there
each like a blistering comet
rounds of "
goodbyes" begin again

streamed whirling it's tail
descending to the atmosphere
then fizzles into thin air
grilled back into silence

a pop in the dark
it flashes and sparks
too jovial, teens denied
lost in their aimless pride

alone they stand to
alone they'll go for
it would be so cold
yet they are wonderful


El Grupo Niche!

3/15 @ La Copa... Hay nada que decir, solo: son de Cali y saben como trajer la salsa buena!

La Negra No Quiere
Poquita Cosa
Gotas De Lluvia
Han Cogido La Cosa
Buenaventura Y Caney
Una Aventura
Cali Pachanguero
Sin Sentimiento


I like Bill Clinton, I really do. I think most of us can say now, in retrospect, that he was a da-yumn good president. But that's not where I am going with this. There is something inherently human about this man that just forces me to like him. This quote stretches smiles on my face. How many ex-presidents sound like your friends and family? I fear that if his wife ran for office, she may cause us to forget just how genuine he really was. Even at his lying worst... Face it, not all of us are Men Nguyen, we all play poker with the same kinda-not-too-good poker face! No pun intended. Get well soon Bill! Not everyone has the kind of reach you do, it allows the world to see you as the people we aspire to be, ourselves.
"I've had an unusual life. If something happens... I'd wind up ahead of where 99.99% of the people who ever lived did. I'm just grateful for every day when the sun comes up."
-Bill Clinton


splitting over ends

love's a race ___won by two:
your emotion___ and my sol
itude. two___ destined guards,
taught to at___tack the other,
emballage___à l'upper
hand, upon___dusty moun
tian piques, o___'er foggy hills

-'s:. 3r


i either love you or hate you.

in the ring of possible
you will matter
may be the world
could spell disaster

gazing afar
reflections from a mirror
A game or deserts
eager to explore

blind at times you're
none of my concern
shameless, ripped off
from wind and wood

Wild, standing there,
her hands in her hair
I can’t remember where
she touched me

the record jumps
on a scratch
round, dizzy, it revolts
time double-crossed us!

"come and see me"
a sound i longed for as a boy
the lesson is the same
handle me with care

emerged from hunter's lair
i reach down inside
it just slips away
but i try

Note: I wrote this on the fly after I heard you... It is riddled with profound and deep personal meaning to me from my life: as a boy, coming to be a man and as a man. Perhaps there isn't anything that I have written yet that is so overwhelmed with personal sentiments that stir an invitation to cause me to feel as touched as I do by a work of my own. Thank you!


"Who You Wit"

Mix with parfumeurs, and you could walk away effluviously pleasant.
Mix with blacksmiths, and you'll end up
either with soot, burnt, foul or all.

-Arabic Proverb

And so the blacksmith resembles the friend who burns bridges. As they burn them, watch for the flints and sparks that ascend and seek to set you and your garments ablaze! The bridge-burner is much like the blacksmith, each is likely to be burned standing there watching their works go up in flames as well.

Note: The depth in this proverb is presented in the word "could" (Arabic - "qad"). Although you probably will walk away smelling pleasantly, upon keeping company with
parfumeurs, the presence of the possible "could" and the definite "will" puts emphasis on how damaging the blacksmith's likeness is.